A Rock Feels No Pain: Clinical Insights and Practical Interventions for Adult Males Sexually Victimized as Children
  6 Hours, 0 Minutes   
Previously Recorded
   Barry S. Horowitz, LCSW-R
6 CEs

See Provider Info

Webinar Description

April 8th and 15th, 2024

5:00 PM to 8:00 PM EST 

6 CEs 


This is a Two Part Evening Webinar for 6 CE Credits. 

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Part 1: April 8th, 2024, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST

A Rock Feels No Pain: Clinical Insights and Practical Interventions for Adult Males Sexually Victimized as Children Part 1

Child sexual abuse has significant ramifications on the psychological, emotional and interpersonal functioning of men in today's society. An estimated 6% of men have experienced sexual coercion in their lifetime (i.e., unwanted sexual penetration after being pressured in a nonphysical way), and 11.7% of men have experienced unwanted sexual contact, with the majority of victimization occurring during childhood. 

Historically, male survivors of child sexual abuse have been unlikely to disclose and seek therapeutic services for their victimization. Amongst those who do, many feel an elevated sense of shame and guilt. In contrast, others feel caught in the societal double-bind in which expression of feelings is frowned upon, and the presentation as vulnerable has historically been stigmatized amongst male victims.


3 Hours


Agenda:  Day 1

  1. Introduction (10 Minutes)

    • Overview of the workshop’s goals and structure.
  2. Defining/Demographics (30 Minutes)

    • Child Sexual Abuse: General incidence and demographics, with a focus on males.
    • Sample Research-Supported Impacts of Victimization: Emotional, Psychological, Interpersonal/Attachment, Spiritual/Religious, Susceptibility to higher rates of Addiction, Sexuality and Intimacy, High-Risk behaviors.
  3. Impact of Abuse on Therapy (20 Minutes)

    • Presenting problems upon referral.
    • Reported alliance.
    • Self-report on satisfaction upon treatment completion.
  4. Societal Challenges to Disclosure and Treatment (30 Minutes)

    • Stigma/Shame/Depression, Isolation, Vulnerable expression, Contagion Myth.
    • Therapist perspectives: personal characteristics, interpersonal relations, institutional elements, societal norms.
  5. In-Depth Case Studies and Discussion (1 Hour)

    • Engage with complex case studies to apply understanding and discuss treatment strategies.
  6. Assessment Techniques (30 Minutes)

    • Structured Assessment Tools: Genogram, Eco-Map.
    • History-taking.
    • Assessment of Post-Traumatic Resources and Growth.

Part 2: April 15th, 2024, 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST 

A Rock Feels No Pain: Clinical Insights and Practical Interventions for Adult Males Sexually Victimized as Children Part 2

This presentation aims to introduce an enhanced perspective of effective treatment of adult male victims of child sexual abuse, given the unique challenges they face. Therapists will receive an overview of the effects of abuse and a sampling of societal stereotypes and their impact on the identification and effective treatment of these victims, their spouses and their families.

They will learn concrete interventions targeting themes of isolation, shame and guilt, healthy expression of vulnerable feelings, and finding meaning in their traumatic experiences. Additional focus will be on helping the male client minimize maladaptive, avoidant and compulsive methods of coping with their childhood trauma. Clinical interventions for the spouses and family members of the survivor will be an additional focus of the presentation. For therapists providing community prevention and awareness training, the information provided will be helpful in the appropriate dissemination of information to the public in a research-supported manner. 


3 Hours


Agenda:  Day 2 


  1. Three Phases of Trauma Treatment (1 Hour and 30 Minutes)

    • Detailed exploration of each phase with sample exercises, including two in-depth exercises in each phase: Stabilization and Resourcing, Exposure and Processing, Reintegration and Values-Based Living.
  2. Advanced Intervention Techniques (45 minutes)

    • Explore additional therapeutic interventions and how to tailor them to individual client needs.
  3. Case Conceptualization/Presentation (30 Minutes)

    • Continuation from earlier case studies with a focus on developing comprehensive treatment plans.
  4. Review, Q&A, and Wrap-Up (15 Minutes)

    • Review key takeaways from the workshop.
    • Open floor for questions and discussion.
    • Guidance on further resources and continued learning for clinicians.


Attendance at both parts are required for CE certification.


Learning Objectives:

  1. List two ways in which assessment and treatment of adult male survivors of child sexual abuse differ
  2. Describe three techniques for treating adult male survivors of child sexual abuse
  3. Communicate three specific variables impacting disclosure & treatment of adult male survivors of child sexual abuse
  4. Recall two specific misconceptions impacting primary and secondary community-based programming

The School of Sex Therapy is an approved continued education provider for the International Association of Psychosexual Therapists and is responsible for this program and its content

Webinars included in this package:

A Rock Feels No Pain: Clinical Insights and Practical Interventions for Adult Males Sexually Victimized as Children Part 1

A Rock Feels No Pain: Clinical Insights and Practical Interventions for Adult Males Sexually Victimized as Children Part 2

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