Webinar Description
Participants will write, reflect, meditate and engage in discussions about what it means to free oneself from fragmentation and to be whole again. Fragmentation of the self has unintended consequences. Often, the consequences are depression, anxiety and blocked creativity. At the root of this there is fear. Fear of losing what we know, fear of the unknown. Fear comes from attachment to particular outcomes.
This class is informed by the Buddhist way of living and seeing the world. We’ll focus on the four Noble Truths: 1) There is suffering in life. 2) The cause of suffering is craving. 3) There is an end to suffering when we stop craving. 4) There is a path which leads away from craving and suffering. We’ll also discuss the four “immeasurables:” Love, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy and Equanimity.
This class is designed for practitioners to learn to integrate the multiple parts of a clients life into a cohesive wholeness. Practitioners will learn practices that help people live with integrity and excellence, become more alive and creative, learn mindful movement and more! This class is for clinicians interested in creating client psychological flexibility, so they can help people embrace life with curiosity, detachment and depth.
About the Presenter:
Learning Objectives:
- Demonstrate an understanding of mindfulness and its application in enhancing clients daily functioning.
- Articulate the practical benefits of incorporating poetry into therapeutic interventions.
- Acquire a comprehensive toolkit of resources to support therapeutic work with clients.
- Introductions and discussion of the material and other logistics (30 minutes).
- Discussing the principles behind Mindful Writing, with some hands-on activities (35 minutes).
- 5 minutes break
- Discussing the four pathways to wholeness, each pathway includes a poem that guides to introspection (1 hour).
- Breakout room discussions (25 minutes)
- Closing discussions (Q&A) and intentions for future practice. ( 25 minutes)
Accreditation - This Webinar Offers 3 Continuing Education Credits
This webinar is recorded and will not grant live credits.
- Therapist Express is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0275.
- CE You! is an approved sponsor of the Maryland Board of Social Work Examiners for continuing education credits for licensed social workers in Maryland.
CE You! maintains responsibility for this program. - NEFESH International is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed marriage and family therapists #MFT-0046
- NEFESH International is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for Mental Health Counselor #MHC-0082
- NEFESH International is recognized by the New York State Education Department's State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0048.
This presentation is open to:
- Behavior Analysts
- Social Workers
- Professional Counselors
- Therapists
- Psychologists
- Licensed Mental Health Practitioners
- Medical Doctors and Other Health Professionals
- Other professionals interacting with populations engaged in mental health based services
This online class is offered at an intermediate level, and is beneficial for intermediate level clinician:
- New practitioners who wish to gain enhanced insight surrounding the topic
- Experienced practitioners who seek to increase and expand fundamental knowledge surrounding the subject matter
- Advanced practitioners seeking to review concepts and reinforce practice skills and/or access additional consultation
- Managers seeking to broaden micro and/or macro perspectives
Additional information
- Refunds: Registrants who are unable to attend a EZ CEU seminar or live webinars may ask for, and will receive, a credit or refund (your choice). Refund requests will be processed within 3 business days. When an attendee knows in advance that they are unable to attend we ask that they inform EZ CEU ahead of time by emailing support@nefeshinternational.com or by calling or texting 201-384-0084 this allows us to free up the spot in the training in the event that a training is at or near capacity.
- Disability Access: If you require ADA accommodations, please contact our office 30 days or more before the event. We cannot ensure accommodations without adequate prior notification.
- Please Note: Licensing Boards change regulations often, and while we attempt to stay abreast of their most recent changes, if you have questions or concerns about this course meeting your specific board’s approval, we recommend you contact your board directly.
- The grievance policy for trainings provided by EZ CEU is available here
- Satisfactory Completion: Certificates are available after satisfactory course completion in your account or by clicking here
- Participants will receive their certificate electronically upon completion of the webinar and course evaluation form.
- There is no conflict of interest or commercial support for this program.