Webinar Description
Everyday, 84 Americans die by Suicide. Suicide is actually the 10th leading form of death in the US. Yet suicide is also the most preventable form of death. The QPR Method will teach you 3 simple steps that can help you prevent a suicide. This interactive training will bust common myths about suicide. Participants will increase their comfort level in working with suicidal clients. They will learn to recognize signs of suicidality, including situational, behavioral, and verbal clues. They will walk away with a better understanding of the nature of suicide and how to work with clients in a suicidal crisis. (Trainer, Jeffrey Davidson, LCSW-C, LICSW, Executive Director, CE You!)
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About the Presenter:
Learning Objectives:
- Identify and differentiate between situational, behavioral, and verbal cues associated with suicidal ideation and behavior.
- Demonstrate comprehension of the various risk factors and warning signs indicative of suicidal tendencies.
- Develop personalized action plans for intervening effectively in suicidal crises, incorporating the principles of the QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Method and other relevant suicide prevention frameworks.
1. Introductions and Ice Breaker (15 minutes)
2. Video “About Suicide” (5 minutes)
3. Defining QPR and its purpose (15 minutes)
Raise awareness of suicide as most preventable
Common causes of suicidal thinking
4. About Suicide (45 minutes)
Statistics on suicide prevalence
Lessons from the Golden Gate Bridge
Myths and facts
5. Clues and Warning Signs of suicidality (30 minutes)
Verbal, Direct and Indirect
6. The First Step – Q- Question (25 minutes)
Asking the suicide Question
Direct and Indirect Approach
7. Exercise – What if you were suicidal? (pair up)(20 minutes)
Discussion – Why are we afraid to ask the question
8. The Second Step – P- Persuade (30 minutes)
How to Persuade someone to stay alive
9. The Third Step –R- Refer (20 minutes)
Getting the person help
10. Methods for effective QPR (20 minutes)
11. Conclusion (15 minutes)
Review and wrap up
Questions and Answers
This presentation is open to:
- Behavior Analysts
- Social Workers
- Professional Counselors
- Therapists
- Psychologists
- Licensed Mental Health Practitioners
- Medical Doctors and Other Health Professionals
- Other professionals interacting with populations engaged in mental health based services
This online class is offered at an intermediate level, and is beneficial for intermediate level clinician:
- New practitioners who wish to gain enhanced insight surrounding the topic
- Experienced practitioners who seek to increase and expand fundamental knowledge surrounding the subject matter
- Advanced practitioners seeking to review concepts and reinforce practice skills and/or access additional consultation
- Managers seeking to broaden micro and/or macro perspectives
Additional information
- Refunds: Registrants who are unable to attend a EZ CEU seminar or live webinars may ask for, and will receive, a credit or refund (your choice). Refund requests will be processed within 3 business days. When an attendee knows in advance that they are unable to attend we ask that they inform EZ CEU ahead of time by emailing support@nefeshinternational.com or by calling or texting 201-384-0084 this allows us to free up the spot in the training in the event that a training is at or near capacity.
- Disability Access: If you require ADA accommodations, please contact our office 30 days or more before the event. We cannot ensure accommodations without adequate prior notification.
- Please Note: Licensing Boards change regulations often, and while we attempt to stay abreast of their most recent changes, if you have questions or concerns about this course meeting your specific board’s approval, we recommend you contact your board directly.
- The grievance policy for trainings provided by EZ CEU is available here
- Satisfactory Completion: Certificates are available after satisfactory course completion in your account or by clicking here
- Participants will receive their certificate electronically upon completion of the webinar and course evaluation form.
- There is no conflict of interest or commercial support for this program.