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Webinar Description

 In this webinar the attendees will learn how to evaluate the core source of a client’s angry behavior, will learn to utilize CBT & DBT techniques to develop the chain analysis of the angry behavior. Attendees will understand how the angry behavior is neurologically hard wired into the brain. In addition, a visualization technique to rewire the brain will be taught.


Rozi P Wax is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist as well as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in the state of Indiana. She has received her Masters in Counseling Psychology from the University of Notre Dame. She has been a general practitioner as well as a specialized trauma therapist for 35 years. She is the co-owner of an outpatient clinic (Lincoln Therapeutic Partnership) that has a practice in the state of Michigan as well as three different cities in the state of Indiana. Her practice has contracts with the child protective services as well as the probation department in the state of Indiana. She is called as an expert witness for trauma cases. She supervises clinicians in multiple modalities both in person and online, nationally and internationally. Mrs. Wax also sits on the board of the local Child Advocacy center.

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