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Webinar Description

Perinatal (or reproductive) trauma includes infertility, miscarriage, perinatal loss, complicated birth, and postpartum. These adverse reproductive events engender loss and disrupt every aspect of clients' lives. This presentation will help participants understand the losses associated with reproductive trauma and learn clinical interventions that help clients process these losses.


Mara Tesler Stein, Psy.D. is a clinical psychologist in private practice specializing in coping with grief and trauma, the emotional aspects of medical crisis, especially around pregnancy & parenting, and providing developmentally supportive, relationship-based care to families. She presents both in the US and Israel on these issues and consults to health care providers and hospitals, guiding their efforts to improve the level of psychological support and care to families during and subsequent to medical crisis. She is the co-author of Parenting Your Premature Baby and Child: The Emotional Journey (Fulcrum, 2004) and Intensive Parenting: Surviving the Journey through the NICU (Fulcrum, 2013).

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