Balancing Risk and Resilience: Clinical Strategies for Therapist Confidence and Client Well-Being
  6 Hours, 0 Minutes   

Monday, March 24th, 2025
Class 1: 10:00 AM EDT
Class 2: 1:45 PM EDT
   Elan Javanfard
   Rus Devorah Wallen, LCSW, CIMHP
6 CE Credits

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Webinar Description

Full Day Webinar

March 24th, 2025

10:00 AM - 4:45 PM EST

The cost of one day is $99.99, an individual class is $59.99

To register for the FULL DAY SEMINAR Click "BUY IT NOW". To register for just one class, click on the Class/link below.

If you have any difficulty registering, please contact us here.


Class 1

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST

Navigating the Edge: Addressing Therapists' Concerns about Clients' Risky and Dangerous Behaviors

Therapists frequently encounter significant challenges when working with clients who exhibit risky or suicidal behaviors, which can evoke intense fear and concern. Recent research highlights that these fears often stem from potential client harm, legal and ethical ramifications, and feelings of professional inadequacy (Brennan et al., 2019). Such fears can lead to increased stress, burnout, and avoidance behaviors, potentially compromising the therapeutic alliance and quality of care (Barnett & Hillard, 2020). This presentation critically reviews the prevalence and impact of these fears on therapists, drawing on contemporary quantitative and qualitative studies.

Furthermore, this presentation outlines advanced strategies to mitigate these concerns, including the implementation of robust risk assessment protocols, regular supervision, peer support, and ongoing professional development. Studies indicate that structured risk assessment tools, such as the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS), can significantly enhance therapists' confidence and competence in managing high-risk clients (Gipson et al., 2020). Additionally, fostering a supportive professional environment through supervision and peer consultation has been shown to alleviate feelings of isolation and fear, promoting a culture of open communication and continuous improvement (Hom et al., 2018).

By addressing the root causes of therapists' fears and providing practical, evidence-based solutions, this presentation aims to enhance the therapeutic experience for both clients and practitioners. It seeks to contribute to better mental health outcomes and professional satisfaction through critical analysis and the integration of advanced clinical practices.

(Trainer - Elan Javanfard, M.A., L.M.F.T. is a Consulting Psychotherapist focused on behavioral health redesign, a Professor of Psychology at Pepperdine University, & a lecturer related to Mindfulness, Evidence Based Practices, and Suicide Prevention. Elan is the author of Psycho-Spiritual Insights: Exploring Parasha & Psychology, weekly blog. He lives in Los Angeles Pico Robertson community with his wife and three children and can be reached at

3 Hours


Class 2

1:45 PM - 4:45 PM EST

The Food-Mood Connection: Nutritional and Lifestyle Hacks for Mental Health and Wellbeing

In this webinar, participants will gain a basic understanding of the connection between nutrition and lifestyle with mood, cognition, mental health, and overall wellness.  Science has conflicting opinions about what nutrition, supplements, and medications are best for us. Considering that each person is a bio-psycho-social-spiritual individual, it makes no sense to broad-stroke everyone’s needs into one model. In this workshop, we will discuss various phenotypes and possible nutritional needs for their overall well-being.  By discussing the beneficial and adverse effects different foods, substances, and behaviors have on our well-being, we will arrive at a fundamental paradigm for wellness. Then we will survey various mental health conditions and mood disorders and share recommended beneficial foods, drinks, supplements, and lifestyle interventions for these situations. Simple modifications of nutrition, chrono-nutrition (the timing of eating), supplementation, avoidance of toxic chemicals and additives in food and the atmosphere, sleep (circadian rhythm disruption), and more can be hacked for attaining wellness on all levels - mental, physical, and spiritual.

We will discuss the importance of collaborating with our clients’ healthcare professionals, especially if we are not certified or licensed to practice dietary prescriptions in our local jurisdiction. We will touch briefly on the legal and ethical issues regarding guiding our clients in this field. Since this workshop is brief, we will give a general overview of the topics and provide resources for further inquiry.

(Trainer - Rus Devorah Wallen, LCSW, ACSW, CIMHP is an accomplished psychotherapist, performer, and educator. Trained in CBT, Mindfulness-Based Therapies, Trauma, Positive Psychology, Perinatal Wellness, and holistic Lifestyle Medicine approaches, she utilizes her rich background to inspire and heal. She has been recently certified with the CIMHP (Certified Integrative Mental Health Provider) with Dr. Leslie Korn. In addition to conducting workshops on a wide variety of Psychology, and self-growth themes, in her private practice, she helps people live more meaningful lives in the 21st Century.)

3 Hours




This One Day Seminar includes two excellent classes, a total of 6 CEs. You may attend an individual class for $59.99.

Webinars included in this package:

Navigating the Edge: Addressing Therapists' Concerns about Clients' Risky and Dangerous Behaviors

The Food-Mood Connection: Nutritional and Lifestyle Hacks for Mental Health and Wellbeing

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